Preparing for your Procedure
- Carefully read and follow the pre-procedure instructions provided by your physician for the specific exam you are having. Preparation instructions for a Colonoscopy and Upper Endoscopy are different so it is important to follow the instructions specific to your procedure for the safety and quality of the examination you receive.
- Carefully follow the instructions you are provided regarding when you should stop solid food and liquids. No liquids, hard candy, gum, mints or any form of tobacco for at least 3 hours prior to your procedure. Failure to follow these instructions will cause your procedure to be delayed or cancelled.
- If you must cancel your procedure, please contact your physician’s office at least two days in advance.
- Your physician will inform you if any of your medications should be stopped prior to your procedure.
- Our staff will call you the day before your procedure to confirm your arrival time.
- Allow for some flexibility in the time of your procedure. Your appointment time may need to be adjusted if unplanned events occur.
- Dress comfortably and wear clothing that will allow you to change into a gown easily.
- Bring a list of your current medications, including name and dosage. Multivitamins, herbal products and other over-the-counter medications should be included.
- Bring your insurance card, payment obligation, and driver’s license or photo I.D.
- Leave all valuables, including jewelry, wallet and additional cash at home.
- DO NOT PLAN TO DRIVE yourself home or use public transportation after your procedure. Make arrangements in advance for responsible adult to drive you home and remain with you for 4 to 6 hours following your procedure. If you arrive at the facility without a responsible adult to provide transportation, your procedure will have to be rescheduled for another day. TAXI SERVICE, UBER, OR OTHER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IS NOT PERMITTED.
You will receive a text message with a link to complete your health history and have the option to opt in to receive important text reminders. If you need any help completing your health history or have any other questions, please call the facility at 817-415-0343.